The Garden In You is the first book to discover your gardendesire.



The first step to design your dreamgarden


Where do i start to find the garden in me?

You have so many ideas and wishes but how can you make it an attractive dreamgarden.  Instead of filling the garden with separate elements you want an attractive whole and rest.

Many people try to design there own garden start filling the gardenspace with things like furniture, pots and other stuff.
Unfortunately it never be a beautiful garden but a collection of things that fills the garden.

In the past 25 years people ask me the same question: “can you help to design a garden that fit to our situation”

In course of the time i have developed a system that lets you find the garden that fits to you. I refined that system in a way everyone can design his garden step by step.

Let me help to find the garden in you

In the upcomming book “The Garden In You” i guide you trough the system to discover step by step the dreamgarden that is in you…

I like to share my experience and that even more people can enjoy a cosy garden. In the coming months i give a preview and like you be posted of the book “The Garden In You”

Do you have any questions let me know and leave a message below.

Like to know more about the book?  click on this link

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